Can I get a copy of The Complete Works box set?
We have sold out of the 1000 copies that were manufactured. I’m sorry if you missed getting one. It was a legacy piece which I am very proud of. It was always intended to be a special item for the fans. Therefore, we have no plans to make any more copies.
What was the inspiration for the song "Sailing"?
While the song uses the liquid metaphor of sailing in a boat, the true intent of the song is to express the transformative power of art. The lyric “The canvas can do miracles” refers to a painters canvas.
Where can I find guitar tab for Christopher's songs?
Warner Brothers owns the publishing rights for Christopher's early catalogue. They published songbooks for each of his first three albums (Christopher Cross, Another Page and Every Turn of the World). They also published sheet music for Swept Away from the Back of My Mind album. Unfortunately, at this time, sheet music and guitar tabs are very difficult to find. Christopher has created guitar tabs for his first album they can be found on the website in the Discography section. He is working on the other albums.
What was the inspiration for the song "Think of Laura"?
Laura was the best friend of a lady that Christopher was dating at the time in the early 80s. She was killed by a stray bullet while driving in a car one night. Christopher wrote this song in remembrance of Laura. It had nothing to do with General Hospital.
Who is playing with Christopher on the live "Best of" album that is in "Walking in Avalon"?
Drums -- Jody Cortez; Percussion, acoustic guitar, vocals -- Gigi Worth; Keyboards, dulcimer, vocals -- Rob Meurer; Bass, vocals -- Chas Thompson; Keyboards, vocals -- Kiki Ebsen; Joel Peskin -- saxophone; and Michael McDonald makes a guest appearance on Ride Like The Wind and All Right. The credits were left off by the label in error.
What is the meaning of the flamingo on many of Christopher's albums?
There is no real meaning behind the flamingo. An original band member painted the cover of Christopher's first album, many years prior to CC signing on with Warner Bros. They kept the painting in their rehearsal room and always talked about how it would be the first cover. Well their dream came true, and WB agreed to use the artwork as a basis for the first cover. It just happened to have a flamingo in it. And Christopher has continued to use it on occasion ever since. But there is no hidden meaning behind them.
When is Christopher going to do a show in our area?
All the information we have about upcoming shows is shown on the "Concerts" page of this website. We also provide the show schedule to you monthly when you sign up for our
email list .
If you would like to see Christopher in your area, we suggest that you contact your local venues and request that they look into booking his show. Contact info for Christopher's booking agent is available on the "Info for Venues & Press" page of this website.
How can I get an autograph of Christopher?
Before Covid, Christopher would do his best to make himself available after shows for personalized autographs and photos with fans. Unfortunately, he can no longer do this. He does not accept mailed items for signing nor does he provide autographed items on request. You can purchase an autographed copy of the
Take Me As I Am CD at the